Terms and Conditions

Aishwarya Jewellers – Terms and Conditions

The time you visit cashonogold.com, make sure that the site is absolutely under Aishwarya control. The company offers detailed inscriptions about its nature of business on the webpage. The terms like ‘we,’ ‘our’ or ‘us’ solely refer to Aishwarya Jewelers.

Through the website, we have detailed every bit of information about the tools and services for you. Thus the existence of some terms and conditions will naturally be binding on you.

Please visit our Terms and Conditions page vividly before start a deal with us. Please note that the pages on our website are updated regularly, including this one. You are responsible for checking the pages once before commencing the journey towards us.


It would be best if you moved to us.
If you are interested in selling your unwanted jewelry to us, you need to bring it to us. We offer the information over the website pages, but there is no online dealing.


It would help if you attained maturity.
We will not take any jewelry from a person under 18 years of age. You need to enter into a contract while selling those leftover pieces. Under Indian Legislation, no person can be a contracting party unless h/she attains maturity.


You must have a sound mind.
Persons of an insane mentality cannot enter into a contract.


Acceptance of Order
It would help if you informed us before coming. We can inform you if we are ready to accept your deal. We may have to detain you under the following circumstances:

  • We have a holiday.
  • The valuation team is either not present or has some other engagements.
  • Earlier stock is still there.
  • Your payment process may suffer a hindrance.


The company’s assessment value is final
You will have to abide by our valuation. We will not allow a customer to bring his n estimator in our company.


The products must come from genuine sources.
The Aishwarya Jewelers accepts the retained and excess products from your home. We may go into detailed inquiry if we suspect anything dubious in the ornaments.

Be aware that we have enough connections in the Police Administration and other legal channels. The departments can cross anything suspicious and got the seizing authority too.


We offer fixed terms for payment.
We are ready to offer spot cash for the ornaments or jewelry the company purchases. We offer online payments either through NEFT or RTGS.

Our customer must fix their payment criteria within these payout terms.

The company reserves the right to refuse your goods.

You can take back the jewels if our terms and conditions do not satisfy you.

The connotation
You must not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any part of the terms and conditions document.

You must bring all the valid documents asked for. We may check the validity of the brought goods.