To meet their urgent cash needs, people want to convert their deposits into the form of gold ornaments or bangles, coins, bars, etc. Various gold merchants advertise their ornament purchase trade-in media and on social media platforms.
Taking action based on these advertisements often brings disappointment for the sellers. Most such traders take the opportunity of the situation. Gold buyers play fraud games to help them show massive curtailment in the form of wastage. You are thus susceptible to losing by 30 – 35%.
Take the following precautions to make your Cash for Gold in Kolkata a better experience and avoid dismay.
Keep the Bill of Invoice correctly at your disposal.
It means the original receipt for purchasing ornaments, coins, or bars that the selling unit endorsed you. Genuine buyers like Cash On old Gold, and SENCO, will ask for the invoice. The invoice mentions the Karat and other purity denominations in the ornament. The statement will stop the purchaser from making awkward comments regarding purity or content in the gold ornaments. A single thing stops almost every opportunity for disfigurement.
Study to know about the current selling prices
You must know the worth of the Gold in your possession before moving to get Cash for Gold in Kolkata. Unfortunately, there is no standard way to know the exact selling price of the Gold. Like the selling price, the purchase price also fluctuates every day or during different times in a day. Ask experts in this regard.
Study the websites of various ornament purchasers in the city. Look whether these people leave any quote regarding the price they are ready to pay for jewelry under your possession. Moving to the best bidder will enable you to get the best prices for your disposable Gold.
Preserving the best purity
You have to be knowledgeable enough while purchasing Gold. Ask your seller to sell you ornaments with the required hallmark. A hallmark is an emblem of purity for quality assessment agencies in the Indian region. The Indian Standards Institute has the authentication to examine the purity of Gold. If your ornaments carry 916 hallmarks, rest assured that these contain 91.6 grams of pure 24-carat Gold in 100 gm-weight of the ornaments.
Non-presence of hallmarks indicates that the jewelry pieces carry more alloys and thus are less pure. Presenting such jewelry before the purchaser will induce him to manipulate the seller for poor purity.
Assessing the Final Gold Price
Merchants offering Cash for Gold in Kolkata adopt different processes to find the final value of Gold in ornaments, bars, and coins. XRF test is most popular these days. Under this method, the analyzers put the jewelry in front of an X-ray machine. Then they measure the secondary ray that the sample emits. From the deduction, they can calculate the amount of pure Gold. The process leaves little scope for ambiguity.
Selling – the final words
Finally, I would advise you to take the ornaments to your seller. These people will put a worth into the Gold they have sold. There will be no scope for a bargain on purity too. It is also best to move to the shop if you do not find the original invoice and are sure that the owner knows you well and will not fail to recognize you.